Q&A: "Can Following My Joy Backfire?"


This question was submitted by Miss Kitty (thanks!).

Here's her full comment: “It's rather funny how hard it can seem at times to do what would make you feel joy. There are so many excuses one can make, but what if sometimes the desire we have could be harmful? Should we really always do what we feel like doing? What if our personalities change from one thing to another and it confuses people and leads to major instability in ones life? - Maow”

Check out more from her here: https://intimatealien.com

I (Rachel) love this conversation because it’s so loving. We do have momentum that makes changing to a joy-centered life difficult at first. We also have to ignore the very strong desire to please the people around us.

If we can take baby steps toward joy and keep going, life will work itself out despite our fears.

Intuitive Art is a great sounding board for this kind of thing. Check out the free class here: https://intuitiveartclass.com or the book for more information.